To help homeowners determine if they have paid their 2021 dues, below is a list of those who have paid their dues. For those that are interested in seeing the final list of paid homes for 2020, that file is also included. If there are mistakes, please let me know by emailing us at gatesridgecivicassociation@gmail.com. 

We are having great success with increasing our dues paying membership since we started offering electronic payment and email communication. The money we collect for dues goes directly to events like our annual block party, the front entrance maintenance, electricity and water, maintenance of the sumps, safety improvements, lobbying efforts, legal efforts, beautification projects, etc. Your donations and participation go a long way to making us all safer, more informed and more connected.

You can make your $75 payment one of three ways:

  • PayPal payment here

  • Venmo payment here or @GatesRidgeCivicAssociation

  • Snail mail/drop off checks to: Glenn Vogelman, 6 Nome Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797.  Make checks payable to: The Gates Ridge Civic Association.  

 2021 Dues

Please Click Link to Document Below for List of homes that have paid Dues

List of Dues